“{{appName}}”Privacy policy

Updated date: December 1, 2023

Effective date: December 1, 2023


This Privacy Policy outlines how RhinoX Mobile collects, uses, discloses, and safeguards your information when you use the App.

1. In order to ensure the normal operation of the core functions and other functions of the product, we will collect some of your necessary information;

2. We will not share, provide, transfer or obtain your personal information from third parties unless you agree;

3. We will strive to take reasonable security measures to protect your personal information. In particular, we will adopt the methods common in the industry and do our utmost commercial efforts to protect the security of your personal sensitive information;

4. The way you access, correct, delete personal information, withdraw your consent and authorization, and complain and report.

If you disagree with this privacy policy and start using it, we will only collect the information necessary to maintain the basic functions of the "App", which will prevent us from providing you with complete products and services, but we will also use de-identification Measures such as encryption and encryption to protect this information. When you use it again, it is necessary to fulfill the contract and service, it will be deemed that you accept and approve that we will process your relevant information in accordance with this policy.

We attach great importance to the protection of users’ personal information, and will treat this information with diligence and prudence. When you download, install, open, browse, use (hereinafter collectively referred to as "use") "App" software and related services, we will collect, store, use, share, disclose and protect your personal information in accordance with this privacy policy. We hope to introduce to you our handling of your personal information through this privacy policy, so we recommend that you carefully and completely read all the terms of this privacy policy. Among them, the content related to your information and rights will be reminded in bold form. Please focus on the following content:

Ⅰ. Collection and Use of Personal Information

Ⅱ. Cookies and Similar Technologies

Ⅲ. Storage of Personal Information

Ⅳ. Sharing, Transferring, and Publicly Disclosing Personal Information

Ⅴ. Personal Information Security

Ⅵ. User Rights

Ⅶ. Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Information

Ⅷ. Use by Minors

Ⅸ. Privacy Policy Revision and Notice

Ⅹ. Scope of This Privacy Policy

Ⅺ. Contacting RhinoX Mobile

Ⅻ. Others

I. Collection and Use of Personal Information

we adhere to the principles of lawfulness, fairness, and necessity in our data practices. The information we collect serves to:

1. Ensure Product Functionality: To guarantee the smooth operation of the BotaniQ app, we collect essential information such as hardware model, operating system, MAC address, IP address, software versions, network access mode, and operation logs. This helps us identify users and prevent misuse.

2. Optimize Services: Collected data aids in enhancing and personalizing our services, ensuring they meet user needs effectively.

3. Security Assurance: We prioritize the safety of our products and services, using collected data to safeguard against security threats.

4. Targeted Information: To provide relevant advertisements and updates, we may use your data to tailor content to your interests.

5. Legal Compliance: We collect information in compliance with laws, regulations, and national standards.

At RhinoX Mobile, for the effective functioning of BotaniQ, we collect necessary user data. This includes:

We will collect the information that you actively provide when you use the service, and the information generated during the use of the function or the process of receiving the service in the following ways:

1. Operational Data:

Device specifics, OS version, MAC and IP addresses, software versions, app installations, network details, and usage logs. This data authenticates users, enables personalized ads, and gathers usage stats to refine our app.

2. Account Management:

To enhance user experience, we collect data during registration and login for account management and service synchronization.

3. App Permissions:

serial number Permission name How to get it The purpose of obtaining this permission
1 Storage permissions Dynamic acquisition, user active authorization Required for importing and storing images. Obtained through user consent.
2 Camera permissions Dynamic acquisition, user active authorization Essential for photo-taking and object identification. Accessed with user authorization.

4. Third-Party Data Sharing:

RhinoX Mobile collaborates with third-party services to enhance the functionality and performance of BotaniQ. This includes:

a. Google Statistics SDK:

Name of provider: Google

Scene description: Statistics function for each dimension of App

Collection method: call system related interface to automatically collect

Types of personal information: personal equipment information, location information, network information, personal communication information

Data Collected: Behavior information, crash logs, device identifiers (IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, MAC, OAID), application data (crash reports, notification status, installed apps), device parameters (type, model, operating system), network information (IP address, WiFi, base station data).

Purpose: To analyze app crashes and user behavior for improvements, enhance app stability, and optimize user experience.

Data Processing: Personal information is anonymized to prevent direct association with user identities.

Is it necessary information: Yes

Information processing method: De-identification method is adopted to desensitize personal information display

Privacy Policy: https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/answer/10144311

b. Google Account Integration:

Scene description:APP account login

Data Collected: Username, public profile, app ID, access token, referring URL, and other relevant account information.

Purpose: To streamline app login process, enable synchronization of user data, support app functionalities, and aid in troubleshooting, data analysis, research, and feedback collection.

Data shared with third parties is handled responsibly, prioritizing user privacy and adhering to legal standards. Our third-party partners are obligated to protect your data and use it solely for the specified purposes. For more information, please refer to Google's Privacy Policy: Google User Data.

5. Ensuring Safety and Security

a. Data for Operational Safety:

We collect network logs, usage frequency, crash data, and performance metrics using third-party tools to ensure the safety and optimal functioning of BotaniQ.

b. De-identification of Data:

All collected information undergoes anonymization, ensuring data analysis doesn't compromise user identity.

c. Changes in Data Use:

In case of functional changes in BotaniQ, we will reevaluate the necessity of personal data collection. If new data usage is unrelated to original purposes, we will notify users and seek consent.

d. Exemptions from Consent:

In specific legal scenarios outlined by law, such as matters of public safety or legal proceedings, we may collect necessary information without prior consent.

e. Account Cancellation Process:

Users can request account deletion via the app settings, which will be processed within 7 days. Post-deletion, all associated data is irretrievably removed, and the account cannot be restored. Timely response to our customer service during this period is crucial for successful account deletion.

Ⅱ. Cookies and Similar Technologies:

We utilize cookies and similar technologies, which are standard on the Internet, for enhancing your experience with the BotaniQ app. These technologies help us authenticate users, bolster security, and ensure efficient service operation. Cookies may be used to improve our service efficiency and speed up login and response times. Our use of these technologies is aimed at providing a seamless, secure user experience while respecting your privacy and adhering to data protection laws.

Ⅲ. Storage of Personal Information:

1. Location of Information Storage:

In compliance with relevant laws and regulations, we store all personal information collected and generated within the jurisdiction of operation at secure, legally compliant locations.

2. Storage Duration:

Personal information is retained for a period of one year. Upon reaching this timeframe, or in the event of account deletion, we commit to either deleting or anonymizing the personal data.

Ⅳ. Sharing, Transferring, and Publicly Disclosing Personal Information:

1. Sharing Personal Information:

a. With Consent: We share your information with other parties only after obtaining your explicit consent.

b. Legal Requirements: In response to judicial or administrative requests, we may share necessary information.

c. Affiliated Companies: Shared only for purposes aligned with this policy, and subject to strict confidentiality terms.

d. Authorized Partners: For service provision, shared with partners under strict agreements to ensure confidentiality and purpose limitation.

2. Transferring Personal Information:

With Consent: Your information is transferred to other parties only with your explicit consent

3. Public Disclosure of Personal Information:

a. With Agreement: Disclosed in methods you have explicitly agreed to.

b. Legal Compliance: Disclosed in response to legal, regulatory, or judicial requirements, with verification of legal documentation.

c. Exemptions: In specific legal scenarios, we might share, transfer, or disclose your information without prior consent, such as for matters of national security, public health, or legal proceedings.

Ⅴ. Personal Information Security:

1. Commitment to Security:

We prioritize the security of your personal information, employing reasonable measures (both technical and managerial) to protect it from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, damage, loss, or leakage.

2. Industry-Standard Protections:

We use encryption and anonymization techniques comparable to industry peers, along with security mechanisms to guard against malicious attacks.

3. Dedicated Security Management:

A specialized department oversees our robust security management systems and data security processes, limiting access to authorized personnel only.

4. Limitations Acknowledgement:

Despite our best efforts and compliance with legal standards, absolute security in the Internet industry cannot be guaranteed. We encourage users to take proactive security measures.

5. Incident Response:

In the event of a security incident, we will implement emergency plans and inform users promptly about the situation, impact, and remedies, as per legal requirements.

6. Scope of Policy:

This privacy policy applies exclusively to BotaniQ. We are not responsible for the protection of personal information once users navigate away from our app to other websites or services.

Ⅵ. User Rights:

1. Management and Withdrawal of Consent:

You have the ability to manage your personal data by altering app permissions in your device settings. Withdrawing consent may impact the availability of certain functions and services, as some require your data. Withdrawal will not affect prior data processing based on your consent.

2. Accessing the Privacy Policy:

Our comprehensive privacy policy is accessible in the "Settings -> About -> Privacy Policy" section within the app.

3. Notification of Operation Cessation:

In the unlikely event of a cessation of our operations, we will stop collecting your data immediately and will inform you promptly via direct notification or public announcement.

Ⅶ. Cross-Border Transfer of Personal Information:

We store end-user personal information in Singapore. In cases of cross-border data transfer, we adhere stringently to legal and regulatory provisions. This includes conducting data export security assessments to ensure the safeguarding of personal information during such transfers. Our commitment is to maintain the highest standards of data protection and privacy, irrespective of geographical boundaries.

Ⅷ. Use by Minors:

1. Consent Requirement:

If you are under 13, you must read and agree to this Privacy Policy under the guidance of a parent or guardian before using APP.

2. Protection of Minors:

We adhere to national laws regarding minors' data. Collection, use, sharing, or disclosure of such information is strictly regulated, requiring lawful permission or parental consent, or if it's essential for the minor's protection.

3. Guardian Inquiries:

Guardians can contact us for any concerns about the personal data of minors under their care, using the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy.

Ⅸ. Privacy Policy Revision and Notice:

1. Updates to Privacy Policy:

We may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in our services. Any amendments will respect your current rights and will not be implemented without your explicit consent.

2. Notification of Changes:

Prior to new terms taking effect, updates will be communicated via the app. Continued use of our services after updates implies acceptance of the new terms. Consent will be sought separately for sensitive data collection.

3. Notices for Major Changes:

Significant policy changes will be communicated through direct methods like email, text messages, or in-app notifications. These include changes in service models, organizational structure, personal data use, and changes in ownership.

4. Substantial Changes:

Major modifications include changes in how we process personal information, alterations in ownership, shifts in data sharing or disclosure practices, updates in user rights, and changes in our contact and complaint handling processes.

X. Scope of This Privacy Policy:

1. Exclusions:

This policy does not cover third-party products or services linked to or advertised within the BotaniQ app. This includes external websites, products, and advertising content.

2. Third-Party Services:

The use of any third-party services, and any personal information provided to them, falls under the privacy policies of those respective services, not under this Privacy Policy.

3. User Discretion Advised:

Exercise caution in sharing personal information with third parties. Share only when necessary.

4. Applicability Variations:

The specifics of BotaniQ services may differ based on your device model, system version, and app version. The actual services provided will align with the version of the BotaniQ app you are using.

Ⅺ. Contacting RhinoX Mobile:

1.Inquiries and Feedback:

For questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us via email at wang@rhinoxm.com.

2. Concerns and Data Requests:

If you believe your personal information has been handled in a manner not consistent with our agreement or legal standards, you can request a review or deletion of your data by emailing wang@rhinoxm.com. We commit to verifying your identity, addressing your concern, and responding within 15 working days.

Ⅻ. Others

1. Headings for Convenience: Headings in this Privacy Policy are for ease of reading and do not influence the interpretation of its provisions.

2. Term Definitions:

a. 'App' Software and Services: Refers to client applications legally owned and operated by the Company and its affiliates, bearing the 'App' label.

b. Affiliate: A company, institution, or legal entity that is controlled by, controls, or is under common control with our company, through ownership, voting rights, contracts, or other legal means.

c. De-identification: A process where personal information is technically processed to prevent the identification of the data subject without additional information.

d. Anonymization: A process of technically processing personal information such that the subject cannot be identified and the information cannot be restored.

Contact: wang@rhinoxm.com

Customer Service: 9:30-18:00